Anti-Jewish Incitement and Riots in the Summer of 1935 German situation reports and articles in the German Jewish press Source: Bernd Stoever, Berichte ueber die Lage in Deutschland (Bonn 1996) and Juedische Rundschau. Riots in Berlin's main shopping street - the Kurfuerstendamm Source: Bernd Stoever, Berichte ueber die Lage in Deutschland (Bonn 1996) p. 574. The 'spontaneous' demonstrations against the 'provocations by Jewish visitors to the movie theatre' occurred in the following manner: Around 8 p.m. a small group of about 20 rather suspicious looking types marched along the Kurfuerstendamm shouting in a choir: 'a triple 'Sieg Heil' for our leader Julius Streicher' and 'Judah'. Soon, many onlookers gathered around. The demonstrators, some of whom were very young, then went off into the different cafes, threw over tables and chairs and broke the window panes. Finally, they grabbed some of the guests of the cafes, beat them and severely wounded some of them. Meanwhile there was the sound of police arriving. This encouraged some of the people in the public to express their rejection of Nazi brutality. On arrival, the police arrested one of the SA gang leaders. This caused the Nazis to shout angry roars at the policemen such as: you reactionary swine', Give us our SA comrade back' and We'll go to the Fuehrer'. The situation meanwhile became very threatening. The police had drawn their revolvers and were ready to fire. At this point a high ranking police officer arrived on the scene and ordered that the arrested SA leader be released and that the policemen's drawn weapons be holstered. The demonstrators now continued their terror under the eyes of the police, chasing away the cafe guests etc. I saw a Jew of about 50 years of age lying on the ground bleeding from his nose and mouth, having lost his consciousness... He was later picked up by a private car.... Berlin Source: Bernd Stoever, Berichte ueber die Lage in Deutschland (Bonn 1996) p. 576 The first 'actions' in the east of Berlin began in the middle of June. Separate incidents occurred in several ice cream shops, rather gently at the beginning. There were clashes in front of the stores with fierce shouts by the Nazis, but they were almost always rejected by the public. One could hear responses such as The Jews are human beings too' or If something has to be done, let the government decide'. In the past two months Jewish stores have been smeared on 5 different occasions. On some of the stores' windows the word 'Jew' was smeared in paint that is very difficult to remove, whereas on others they painted 'Jewish swine', 'dirty Jew', etc. There were also notices plastered with appeals to the public to boycott the stores... Propaganda Source: Juedische Rundschau 2 July 1935 Under the headline 'Blissful Results – Accomplishments of our Anti-Semitic Propaganda' the Westdeutscher Beobachter provides the following reports from Cologne: We have learned that the enhanced propaganda by the Party and by the National Socialist press has yielded blissful results. German businessmen in various fields have reported that they now find that the general public is more understanding in its attitude. A number of Jewish shops were closed down, others are in the process of going out of business. As we hear, similar positive trends of the German public shifting from the cheap and poor quality Jewish shops to German merchants are visible in other districts as well. A conference of German civil servants on the subject of the Jewish Question took place in Koenigswusterhausen. The keynote speaker of the evening, Kirsch, made the following comments, as reported by the Koenigwusterhausen Paper of 29 June: Now we have to draw the final conclusion: No one buys from Jews any longer. When you, Jew, regard us as a beast, do not expect us to treat you like a human being. The Fuehrer, out of decency, declared a boycott of only one day. We now must continue it. Whoever is not able to make a living, will leave out of his own free will. It is therefore essential that everybody keep a distance from the Jews in any respect. Members of the Jewish nation must be aware of their duty to their German blood. The solution of the Jewish Question must emerge from within us. You, dear Koenigswustern house wife, have to consider whether the Mark you spend is going to serve the enemy of the German nation or to those out to destroy Germany.' Boycotts Source: Juedische Rundschau 28 June 1935 A Northern Silesea newspaper reports that within the next few days all enterprises in Glogau will be called upon to renew their signs proclaiming them to be German businesses. As the paper reports, only those enterprises, doctors, dentists, dental technicians, businessmen and artisans who are members of the DAF (German Labour Front) will be recognised by the Party as Aryan. The goal is for every German housewife and every German national to be able to determine on entering a shop whether he may do business there. It will therefore be the duty of every German businessman to put up the sign on his door so as to draw attention to the Aryan identity of his shop.' Agitation by Der Stuermer Source: Juedische Rundschau 28 June 1935 Local Party head Krueger spoke at a Nazi Party educational evening in Schwedt. On 22 June, the Schwedt newspaper reported that The public display of Der Stuermer enjoys growing popularity among the inhabitants. It was reported that in the future, every single person buying from Jews would be named in public. The population is requested to assist in identifying those still purchasing from Jews, and to report their names. It is recommended that such clients be photographed when they leave the Jewish shop. The photos will then be displayed in the showcases of Der Stuermer .'